Lime. If you can find the small-sized ones, get them; those limes have a stronger flavor.

Fresh mint leaves. Ensure there are no black spots on the leaves and they are not withered. You will use it in making the virgin mojito and for the garnishing.

Club soda or soft drink like sprite. You can mix club soda and sprite or use one, but if you decide to use club soda only, then increase the amount of sugar.

Sugar. You will need it because we have lemon juice in the recipe. Also, you will use some of it to garnish the glass if you wish. 

Ice. Some recipes call for crushed ice, but I like to use cubes. If you used crushed ice, add half before and half after the drink reaches three-fourths of the glass.


Step 1

You will need a glass that can take one cup of liquid to make one serving.

Step 2

To garnish the glass, rub the rim with a wedge of lime. On a small plate, add the sugar, turn the glass upside down, and dip it in the sugar. Make sure to cover the rim properly with sugar.

Step 3

Add the mint leaves and slices of lime to the glass. Add the sugar and muddle the ingredients.

Step 4

Add the ice, enough to fill the glass, and then add half the club soda and half of the sprite, or if you wish, use the club soda but increase the amount of sugar.

Step 5

Garnish the glass with fresh mint leaves or with a lime wedge. 


  1. It’s definitely going to taste good 🤤


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